If you are spending your hard-earned cash on a dozen premium golf balls, you want some assurances that you are getting your monies worth - as you'd get a lot more balls if you went down the budget option.
It's winter, conditions are very different from Summer, so what are the essential items you need to have in your bag get the most from your Winter golf?
The idea of a golf ball is to get you from the tee peg to the bottom of the cup. But like cars, which all get you from A to B, some are more expensive than others.
Along with your clubs and a bag to carry them in, golf balls are fundamental to being able to play golf - after all, the only objective is to get the ball into the hole.
Which golf ball you're teeing up is something most of us don't think about enough, and it can have a significant impact on your game. We have hundreds of pounds worth of clubs in our bags and yet are guilty of pulling a dud ball out of our bag to play a par-3 over water, just in case we might lose a good ball!
At Golfbidder we aim to provide the best quality and value in used golf clubs across Europe, especially for new golfers and beginners. We hope this guide is helpful and gives you some tips and tricks in getting the best value from your golf equipment.