Features and benefits of the Callaway 2012 RAZR X HL wedges:
Low centre of gravity makes the sweet spot more accessible at lower impact locations, where many
armatures strike the ball.
Low CG launches shots higher for longer, more consistent distance and improved accuracy.
Fully integrated clubface/undercut cavity system that enables Callaway to precisely position the CG and engineer the face of each individual iron to maximise ball speed.Features and benefits of the Callaway 2012 RAZR X HL wedges:
Low centre of gravity makes the sweet spot more accessible at lower impact locations, where many
armatures strike the ball.
Low CG launches shots higher for longer, more consistent distance and improved accuracy.
Fully integrated clubface/undercut cavity system that enables Callaway to precisely position the CG and engineer the face of each individual iron to maximise ball speed.
Constructed of aluminium and thermoplastic polyurethane, it fine-tunes sound and enhances feel off the clubface.Read more...
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